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KubeEdge v1.16 新增特性:



随着KubeEdge社区的持续发展,社区版本不断迭代;用户环境版本升级的诉求亟需解决。针对升级步骤难度大,边缘节点重复工作多的问题,v1.16.0版本的 KubeEdge 支持了云边组件的自动化升级。用户可以通过Keadm工具一键化升级云端,并且可以通过创建相应的Kubernetes API,批量升级边缘节点。

  • 云端升级


    keadm upgrade cloud --help
    Upgrade the cloud components to the desired version, it uses helm to upgrade the installed release of cloudcore chart, which includes all the cloud components

    keadm upgrade cloud [flags]

    --advertise-address string Please set the same value as when you installed it, this value is only used to generate the configuration and does not regenerate the certificate. eg:,
    -d, --dry-run Print the generated k8s resources on the stdout, not actual execute. Always use in debug mode
    --external-helm-root string Add external helm root path to keadm
    --force Forced upgrading the cloud components without waiting
    -h, --help help for cloud
    --kube-config string Use this key to update kube-config path, eg: $HOME/.kube/config (default "/root/.kube/config")
    --kubeedge-version string Use this key to set the upgrade image tag
    --print-final-values Print the final values configuration for debuging
    --profile string Sets profile on the command line. If '--values' is specified, this is ignored
    --reuse-values reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides from the command line via --set and -f.
    --set stringArray Sets values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
    --values stringArray specify values in a YAML file (can specify multiple)


    keadm upgrade cloud --advertise-address=<init时设置的值> --kubeedge-version=v1.16.0
  • 边端升级

    v1.16.0版本的KubeEdge支持通过NodeUpgradeJob的Kubernetes API进行边缘节点的一键化、批量升级。API支持边缘节点的升级预检查、并发升级、失败阈值、超时处理等功能。对此,KubeEdge支持了云边任务框架。社区开发者将无需关注任务控制、状态上报等逻辑实现,只需聚焦云边任务功能本身。


    apiVersion: operations.kubeedge.io/v1alpha1
    kind: NodeUpgradeJob
    name: upgrade-example
    description: upgrade-label
    version: "v1.16.0"
    - "cpu"
    - "mem"
    - "disk"
    failureTolerate: "0.3"
    concurrency: 2
    timeoutSeconds: 180
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/edge": ""
    node-role.kubernetes.io/agent: ""
  • 兼容测试



https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5330 https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5229 https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5289


新版本引入了镜像预下载新特性,用户可以通过ImagePrePullJob的Kubernetes API提前在边缘节点上加载镜像,该特性支持在批量边缘节点或节点组中预下载多个镜像,帮助减少加载镜像在应用部署或更新过程,尤其是大规模场景中,带来的失败率高、效率低下等问题。


apiVersion: operations.kubeedge.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImagePrePullJob
name: imageprepull-example
- image1
- image2
- edgenode1
- edgenode2
- "disk"
failureTolerate: "0.3"
concurrency: 2
timeoutSeconds: 180
retryTimes: 1


https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5310 https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5331


KubeEdge 1.15版本实现了在Windows上运行边缘节点,在新版本中,我们支持使用安装工具Keadm直接安装Windows边缘节点,操作命令与Linux边缘节点相同,简化了边缘节点的安装步骤。




新版本中新增了多种容器运行时的兼容性测试,目前已集成了containerddockerisuladcri-o 4种主流容器运行时,保障KubeEdge版本发布质量,用户在安装容器运行时过程中也可以参考该PR中的适配安装脚本。




在新版本中,我们扩展了EdgeApplication中的差异化配置项(overriders),主要的扩展有环境变量、命令参数和资源。当您不同区域的节点组环境需要链接不同的中间件时,就可以使用环境变量(env)或者命令参数(command, args)去重写中间件的链接信息。或者当您不同区域的节点资源不一致时,也可以使用资源配置(resources)去重写cpu和内存的配置。


https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5262 https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5370



  • Mapper-Framework代码解耦:


  • Mapper升级框架:



https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5308 https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/5326



type DBMethodRedis struct {
// RedisClientConfig of redis database
// +optional
RedisClientConfig *RedisClientConfig `json:"redisClientConfig,omitempty"`
type RedisClientConfig struct {
// Addr of Redis database
// +optional
Addr string `json:"addr,omitempty"`
// Db of Redis database
// +optional
DB int `json:"db,omitempty"`
// Poolsize of Redis database
// +optional
Poolsize int `json:"poolsize,omitempty"`
// MinIdleConns of Redis database
// +optional
MinIdleConns int `json:"minIdleConns,omitempty"`
type DBMethodTDEngine struct {
// tdengineClientConfig of tdengine database
// +optional
TDEngineClientConfig *TDEngineClientConfig `json:"TDEngineClientConfig,omitempty"`
type TDEngineClientConfig struct {
// addr of tdEngine database
// +optional
Addr string `json:"addr,omitempty"`
// dbname of tdEngine database
// +optional
DBName string `json:"dbName,omitempty"`



基于Mapper-Framework的USB-Camera Mapper实现


在样例中提供了helm chart包,用户可以通过修改usbmapper-chart/values.yaml部署UBS-Camera Mapper,主要添加USB-Camera的设备文件, nodeName, USB-Camera的副本数,其余配置修改可根据具体情况而定,通过样例目录中的Dockerfile制作Mapper镜像。

replicaCount: 2 #USB-Camera的副本数
namespace: default
- edgeNode: "edgenode02" #USB-Camera连接的缘节点nodeName
devPath: "/dev/video0" #USB-Camera的设备文件
- edgeNode: "edgenode1"
devPath: "/dev/video17"

USB-Camera Mapper的部署命令如下:

helm install usbmapper-chart ./usbmapper-chart




  • 添加云边通信协议配置参数

    在KubeEdge v1.16.0中,使用keadm join边缘节点时,支持使用--hub-protocol配置云边通信协议。目前KubeEdge支持websocket和quic两种通信协议,默认为websocket协议。


    keadm join --cloudcore-ipport <云节点ip>:10001 --hub-protocol=quic --kubeedge-version=v1.16.0 --token=xxxxxxxx


    操作示例:使用kubectl edit cm -n kubeedge cloudcore,将quic的enable属性设置成true,保存修改后重启CloudCore的pod。

    enable: true #quic协议开关
    maxIncomingStreams: 10000
    port: 10001



  • keadm join与CNI插件解耦

    在新版本中,keadm join边缘节点时,不需要再提前安装CNI插件,已将边缘节点的部署与CNI插件解耦。同时该功能已同步到v1.12及更高版本,欢迎用户使用新版本或升级老版本。









新版本我们使用DaemonSet来管理边端的MQTT服务Eclipse Mosquitto了,我们能够通过云端Helm Values配置来设置是否要开启MQTT服务。使用DaemonSet管理MQTT后,我们可以方便的对边端MQTT进行统一管理,比如我们可以通过修改DaemonSet的配置将边端MQTT替换成EMQX。


  1. 您可以在云端执行命令,将旧的边缘节点都打上自定义标签
kubectl label nodes --selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/edge without-mqtt-daemonset=""
  1. 您可以修改MQTT DaemonSet的节点亲和性
- matchExpressions:
- ...
- key: without-mqtt-daemonset
operator: Exists
  1. 将节点MQTT改为由DaemonSet管理
# ------ 边端 ------
# 修改/lib/systemd/system/edgecore.service,将环境变量DEPLOY_MQTT_CONTAINER设置成false
# 这步可以放在更新EdgeCore前修改,这样就不用重启EdgeCore了
sed -i '/DEPLOY_MQTT_CONTAINER=/s/true/false/' /etc/systemd/system/edgecore.service

# 停止EdgeCore
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl stop edgecore

# 删除MQTT容器,Containerd可以使用nerdctl替换docker
docker ps -a | grep mqtt-kubeedge | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm -f

# 启动EdgeCore
systemctl start edgecore

# ------ 云端 ------
# 删除节点标签
kubectl label nodes <NODE_NAME> without-mqtt-daemonset

新版本的keadm join命令会隐藏with-mqtt参数,并且将默认值设置成false,如果您还想使用静态Pod管理MQTT,您仍然可以设置参数--with-mqtt来使其生效。with-mqtt参数在v1.18版本中将会被移除。

· 阅读需 4 分钟
Kevin Wang
Fei Xu

KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT and allows developers to author custom logic and enable resource constrained device communication at the Edge.

On December 6th, the KubeEdge community is proud to announce the availability of KubeEdge 1.9. This release includes a major upgrade for Custom HTTP Request Routing from Edge to Cloud through ServiceBus for Applications, CloudCore run independently of the Kubernetes Master host and containerized deployment using Helm, EdgeMesh add tls and encryption security, and compiled into rpm package, which includes:

  • Custom HTTP Request Routing from Edge to Cloud through ServiceBus for Applications

  • CloudCore run independently of the Kubernetes Master host

  • EdgeMesh add tls and encryption security

  • Enhance the ease of use of EdgeMesh

  • Support containerized deployment of CloudCore using Helm

  • Support compiled into rpm package and installed on OS such as openEuler using yum package manager

  • 40+ bug fixes and enhancements.

Please refer to CHANGELOG v1.9 for a full list of features in this release


Release details - Release v1.9


How to set up KubeEdge - Setup

Release Highlights

Support Custom HTTP Request Routing from Edge to Cloud through ServiceBus for Applications

A HTTP server is added to ServiceBus, to support custom http request routing from edge to cloud for applications. This simplifies the rest api access with http server on the cloud while client is in the edge.

Refer to the links for more details. (#3254, #3301)

Support CloudCore to run independently of the Kubernetes Master host

CloudCore now supports to run independently of the Kubernetes Master host, iptablesmanager has been added as an independent component, users only need to deploy the iptablesmanager to Kubernetes Master host, which now can add the iptable rules for Cloud-Edge tunnel automatically

Refer to the links for more details. (#3265)

EdgeMesh add tls and encryption security

EdgeMesh's tunnel module adds tls and encryption security capabilities. These features bring more secure protection measures to the user's edgemesh-server component and reduce the risk of edgemesh-server being attacked.

Refer to the links for more details. (EdgeMesh#127)

Enhanced the ease of use of EdgeMesh

EdgeMesh has many improvements in ease of use. Now users can easily deploy EdgeMesh's server and agent components with a single command of helm. At the same time, the restriction on service port naming is removed, and the docker0 dependency is removed, making it easier for users to use EdgeMesh.

Refer to the links for more details. (EdgeMesh#123, EdgeMesh#126, EdgeMesh#136, EdgeMesh#175)

Support containerized deployment of CloudCore using Helm

CloudCore now supports containerized deployment using Helm, which provides better containerized deployment experience.

Refer to the links for more details. (#3265)

Support compiled into rpm package and installed on OS such as openEuler using yum package manager

KubeEdge now supports compiled into rpm package and installed on OS such as openEuler using yum package manager.

Refer to the links for more details. (#3089, #3171)

In addition to the above new features, KubeEdge v1.9 also includes the following enhancements:

  • Rpminstaller: add support for openEuler (#3089)

  • Replaced 'kubeedge/pause' with multi arch image (#3114)

  • Make meta server addr configurable (#3119)

  • Added iptables to Dockerfile and made cloudcore privileged (#3129)

  • Added CustomInterfaceEnabled and CustomInterfaceName for edgecore (#3130)

  • Add experimental feature (#3131)

  • Feat(edge): node ephemeral storage info (#3157)

  • Support envFrom configmap in edge pods (#3176)

  • Update golang to 1.16 (#3190)

  • Metaserver: support shutdown server graceful (#3239)

  • Support labelselector for metaserver (#3262)

Future Outlook

With the release of v1.9, KubeEdge supports custom HTTP request routing from Edge to Cloud through ServiceBus for applications, supports CloudCore running independently of the Kubernetes Master host, supports containerized deployment of CloudCore using Helm, supports tls and encryption security and the ease of use of EdgeMesh. Thanks to Huawei, China Unicom, DaoCloud, Zhejiang University SEL Lab, ARM and other organizations for their contributions, as well as all community contributors for their support!

The community plans to further improve the user experience and the stability of KubeEdge in subsequent versions and create the best “open source” intelligent edge computing platform for everyone to freely use.

For more details regarding KubeEdge, please follow and join us here:


· 阅读需 4 分钟
Kevin Wang
Fei Xu

KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT and allows developers to author custom logic and enable resource constrained device communication at the Edge.

On October 31st, the KubeEdge community is proud to announce the availability of KubeEdge 1.8. This release includes a major upgrade for Active-Active HA Support of CloudCore for Large Scale Cluster, EdgeMesh Architecture Modification, EdgeMesh Cross LAN Communication, and Kubernetes Dependencies Upgrade, which includes:

  • Active-Active HA Support of CloudCore for Large Scale Cluster [Beta]

  • EdgeMesh Architecture Modification

  • EdgeMesh Cross LAN Communication

  • Onvif Device Mapper

  • Kubernetes Dependencies Upgrade

  • 30+ bug fixes and enhancements.

Please refer to CHANGELOG v1.8 for a full list of features in this release


Release details - Release v1.8


How to set up KubeEdge - Setup

Release Highlights

Active-Active HA Support of CloudCore for Large Scale Cluster [Beta]

CloudCore now supports Active-Active HA mode deployment, which provides better scalability support for large scale clusters. Cloud-Edge tunnel can also work with multiple CloudCore instances. CloudCore now can add the iptable rules for Cloud-Edge tunnel automatically.

Refer to the links for more details. (#1560, #2999)

EdgeMesh Architecture Modification

EdgeMesh now has two parts: edgemesh-server and edgemesh-agent. The edgemesh-server requires a public IP address, when users use cross lan communication, it can act as a relay server in the LibP2P mode or assist the agent to establish p2p hole punching. The edgemesh-agent is used to proxy all application traffic of user nodes, acts as an agent for communication between pods at different locations.

Refer to the links for more details. (edgemesh#19)

EdgeMesh Cross LAN Communication

Users can use cross LAN communication feature to implement cross LAN edge to edge application communication and cross LAN edge to cloud application communication.

Refer to the links for more details. (edgemesh#26, edgemesh#37, edgemesh#57)

Onvif Device Mapper

Onvif Device Mapper with Golang implementation is provided, based on new Device Mapper Standard. Users now can use onvif device mapper to manage the ONVIF IP camera.

Refer to the links for more details. (mappers-go#48)

Kubernetes Dependencies Upgrade

Upgrade the vendered kubernetes version to v1.21.4, users now can use the feature of new version on the cloud and on the edge side.

Refer to the links for more details. (#3021, #3034)

In addition to the above new features, KubeEdge v1.8 also includes the following enhancements:

  • Refactor edgesite: import functions and structs instead of copying code (#2893)

  • Avoiding update cm after created a new cm (#2913)

  • Solved the checksum file download problem when ke was installed offline (#2909)

  • cloudcore support configmap dynamic update when the env of container inject from configmap or secret (#2931)

  • Remove edgemesh from edgecore (#2916)

  • keadm: support customsized labels when use join command (#2827)

  • support k8s v1.21.X (#3021)

  • Handling node/*/membership/detail (#3025)

  • sync the response message unconditionally (#3014)

  • support default NVIDIA SMI command (#2680)

Future Outlook

With the release of v1.8, KubeEdge supports Active-Active HA mode deployment, which provides better scalability support for large scale clusters, supports cross LAN communication by EdgeMesh, and supports Onvif Device Mapper. Thanks to Huawei, China Unicom, DaoCloud, Zhejiang University SEL Lab, ARM and other organizations for their contributions, as well as all community contributors for their support!

The community plans to further improve the user experience and the stability of KubeEdge in subsequent versions and create the best “open source” intelligent edge computing platform for everyone to freely use.

For more details regarding KubeEdge, please follow and join us here:


· 阅读需 4 分钟
Kevin Wang
Fei Xu

KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT and allows developers to author custom logic and enable resource constrained device communication at the Edge.

On June 10th, the KubeEdge community is proud to announce the availability of KubeEdge 1.7. This release includes a major upgrade for Active-Active HA Support of CloudCore for Large Cluster and a new Device Mapper Framework, which includes:

  • Active-Active HA Support of CloudCore for Large Scale Cluster [Alpha]

  • Support to manage Clusters on Edge [Alpha]

  • Decoupled EdgeMesh from EdgeCore

  • Autonomic Kube-API Endpoint for Applications On Edge Nodes [Beta]

  • Custom HTTP Request Routing between Cloud and Edge for Applications [Alpha]

  • Kubernetes Dependencies Upgrade

  • 34+ bug fixes and enhancements.

Please refer to CHANGELOG v1.7 for a full list of features in this release


Release details - Release v1.7


How to set up KubeEdge - Setup

Release Highlights

Active-Active HA Support of CloudCore for Large Scale Cluster [Alpha]

CloudCore now supports Active-Active HA mode deployment, which provides better scalability support for large scale clusters. Cloud-Edge tunnel can also work with multiple CloudCore instances.

Refer to the links for more details. (#1560, #2867)

Support to manage Clusters on Edge [Alpha]

In some scenarios, uses may have full-size Kubernetes clusters deployed on the edge. With EdgeSite, users are now able to access clusters on edge (in private network, behind NATed gateway, etc) from center cloud. (#2650, #2858)

Decoupled EdgeMesh from EdgeCore

EdgeMesh aims to provide simplified network and services for edge applications. The EdgeMesh module is now decoupled from EdgeCore and able to be deployed as an independent components in containers.

Refer to EdgeMesh for more details

Mapper Framework

Users are now able to use mapper framework to generate a new device mapper. This simplifies the mapper development when users trying to integrate with new protocols or new devices. (mappers-go#41)

Autonomic Kube-API Endpoint for Applications On Edge Nodes [Beta]

Autonomic Kube-API Endpoint provides native Kubernetes API access on edge nodes. It's very useful in cases users want to run third-party plugins and applications that depends on Kubernetes APIs on edge nodes. With reliable message delivery and data autonomy provided by KubeEdge, list-watch connections on edge nodes keep available even when nodes are located in high latency network or frequently get disconnected to the Cloud.

In this release, a bunch of corner case issues are fixed and the stability is improved. And the feature maturity is now Beta.

Custom HTTP Request Routing between Cloud and Edge for Applications [Alpha]

A new RuleEndpointType servicebus is added to RuleEndpoint API, to support custom http request routing between cloud and edge for applications. This simplifies the rest api access with http server on the edge while client is in the cloud. (#2588)

28+ bug fixes and enhancements

In addition to the above new features, KubeEdge v1.7 also includes the following enhancements:

  • Implement update rule status

  • Install crd for router in keadm

  • Remove synckeeper in edgehub

  • upstream: refactor kubeClientGet

  • make customsiz labels available when restart

Future Outlook

With the release of v1.7, KubeEdge supports Active-Active HA mode deployment, which provides better scalability support for large scale clusters. Thanks to Huawei, China Unicom, Zhejiang University SEL Lab, ARM and other organizations for their contributions, as well as all community contributors for their support!

The community plans to further improve the user experience and the stability of KubeEdge in subsequent versions and create the best “open source” intelligent edge computing platform for everyone to freely use.

For more details regarding KubeEdge, please follow and join us here:


· 阅读需 4 分钟
Kevin Wang
Fei Xu

KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT and allows developers to author custom logic and enable resource constrained device communication at the Edge.

KubeEdge v1.6: A major upgrade for maintainability

On 27th February, the KubeEdge community is proud to announce the availability of KubeEdge 1.6. This release includes a major upgrade for maintainability, which includes:

  • Support Autonomic Kube-API Endpoint for Applications On Edge Nodes [Alpha]

  • Custom Message Routing between Cloud and Edge for Applications [Alpha]

  • Simplified Application Autonomy Configuration When Node Is Off-line

  • New home for Device Mappers code

  • OPC-UA Device Mapper

  • 24+ bug fixes and enhancements.

Please refer to CHANGELOG v1.6 for a full list of features in this release.


Release details - Release v1.6


How to set up KubeEdge - KubeEdge Setup

Release Highlights

Support Autonomic Kube-API Endpoint for Applications On Edge Nodes [Alpha]

Autonomic Kube-API Endpoint is now available on edge nodes! Users are now able to run third-party plugins and applications that depends on Kubernetes APIs on edge nodes. List-watch connections are established between client and the local endpoint provided by EdgeCore. With reliable message delivery and data autonomy provided by KubeEdge, list-watch connections on edge nodes keep available even when nodes are located in high latency network or frequently get disconnected to the Cloud.

This is very useful in cases that users want to install customized versions of Kubelet, Kube-Proxy, CNI and CSI plugins with KubeEdge. Particularly, Kubernetes CRDs are also supported on edge nodes. (#2508, #2587)

Custom Message Routing between Cloud and Edge for Applications [Alpha]

Added support of routing management with Rule, RuleEndpoint API and a router module. Users are now able to use KubeEdge to deliver their custom messages between cloud and edge.

Note that it's designed for control data exchange between cloud and edge, not suitable for large data delivery. The data size of delivery at one time is limited to 12MB.

Refer to custom message deliver for more details. (#2413)

Simplified Application Autonomy Configuration When Node Is Off-line

If user wants any application to stay on edge nodes when disconnected to the cloud, simply add label app-offline.kubeedge.io=autonomy to its pods. KubeEdge will automatically override pod default toleration configuration for Taint node.kubernetes.io/unreachable to avoid Kubernetes evicting pods from unreachable nodes. (#2499)

New home for Device Mappers code

Device Mappers implementations now have a new home kubeedge/mappers-go.

OPC-UA Device Mapper

OPC-UA Device Mapper with Golang implementation is provided, based on new Device Mapper Standard. (mappers-go#4).

24+ bug fixes and enhancements

In addition to the above new features, KubeEdge v1.6 also includes the following enhancements:

  • support kubectl get --raw /api/v1/nodes/{node}/proxy/metrics (#2437)

  • support more metric path in cloud (#2482)

  • edgecore: add nfs localpath support (#2529)

  • add func that make subscribed topics persistence (#2457)

Future Outlook

With the release of v1.6, KubeEdge provides autonomic Kube-API endpoint for applications On Edge nodes, custom message routing between Cloud and Edge, a new repository for Device Mappers, a more friendly user experience, and a more friendly community contributor experience. Thanks to Huawei, China Unicom, Zhejiang University SEL Lab, ARM and other organizations for their contributions, as well as all community contributors for their support!

The community plans to further improve the user experience and the stability of KubeEdge in subsequent versions and create the best “open source” intelligent edge computing platform for everyone to freely use.

For more details regarding KubeEdge, please follow and join us here:
