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· 6 min read

On January 21, 2025, KubeEdge released v1.20. The new release has enhanced the capabilities of managing and operating edge nodes and applications for large-scale, offline and other edge scenarios. At the same time, it has added support for the multi-language Mapper-Framework.

1.20 What's New

Release Highlights

Support Batch Node Process

Previously, the keadm tool of KubeEdge only supports manual single-node management. However, in edge scenarios, the scale of nodes is often very large, and the management process of a single node can no longer cope with such large-scale scenarios.

In v1.20, we have provided the batch node operation and maintenance capability. With this capability, users only need to use one configuration file to perform batch operation and maintenance on all edge nodes through a control node (which can log in to all edge nodes). The supported operation and maintenance capabilities include join, reset, and upgrade.

# Configuration Requirements
enable: true # <Optional> Whether to download the keadm package, which can be left unconfigured, default is true. if it is false, the 'offlinePackageDir' will be used.
url: "" # <Optional> The download address of the keadm package, which can be left unconfigured. If this parameter is not configured, the official github repository will be used by default.
keadmVersion: "" # <Required> The version of keadm to be installed. for example: v1.19.0
archGroup: # <Required> This parameter can configure one or more of amd64/arm64/arm.
- amd64
offlinePackageDir: "" # <Optional> The path of the offline package. When download.enable is true, this parameter can be left unconfigured.
cmdTplArgs: # <Optional> This parameter is the execution command template, which can be optionally configured and used in conjunction with nodes[x].keadmCmd.
cmd: "" # This is an example parameter, which can be used in conjunction with nodes[x].keadmCmd.
token: "" # This is an example parameter, which can be used in conjunction with nodes[x].keadmCmd.
- nodeName: edge-node # <Required> Unique name, used to identify the node
arch: amd64 # <Required> The architecture of the node, which can be configured as amd64/arm64/arm
keadmCmd: "" # <Required> The command to be executed on the node, can used in conjunction with keadm.cmdTplArgs. for example: "{{.cmd}} --edgenode-name=containerd-node1 --token={{.token}}"
copyFrom: "" # <Optional> The path of the file to be copied from the local machine to the node, which can be left unconfigured.
ip: "" # <Required> The IP address of the node.
username: root # <Required> The username of the node, need administrator permissions.
port: 22 # <Optional> The port number of the node, the default is 22.
auth: # Log in to the node with a private key or password, only one of them can be configured.
type: password # <Required> The value can be configured as 'password' or 'privateKey'.
passwordAuth: # It can be configured as 'passwordAuth' or 'privateKeyAuth'.
password: "" # <Required> The key can be configured as 'password' or 'privateKeyPath'.
maxRunNum: 5 # <Optional> The maximum number of concurrent executions, which can be left unconfigured. The default is 5.`

# Configuration Example
enable: true
url: # If this parameter is not configured, the official github repository will be used by default
keadmVersion: v1.20.0
archGroup: # This parameter can configure one or more of amd64\arm64\arm
- amd64
offlinePackageDir: /tmp/kubeedge/keadm/package/amd64 # When download.enable is true, this parameter can be left unconfigured
cmdTplArgs: # This parameter is the execution command template, which can be optionally configured and used in conjunction with nodes[x].keadmCmd
cmd: join --cgroupdriver=cgroupfs --cloudcore-ipport= --hub-protocol=websocket --certport=10002 --kubeedge-version=v1.20.0 --remote-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock
token: xxx
- nodeName: ubuntu1 # Unique name
arch: amd64
keadmCmd: '{{.cmd}} --edgenode-name=containerd-node1 --token={{.token}}' # Used in conjunction with keadm.cmdTplArgs
copyFrom: /root/test-keadm-batchjoin # The file directory that needs to be remotely accessed to the joining node
username: root
type: privateKey # Log in to the node using a private key
privateKeyPath: /root/ssh/id_rsa
- nodeName: ubuntu2
arch: amd64
keadmCmd: join --edgenode-name=containerd-node2 --cgroupdriver=cgroupfs --cloudcore-ipport= --hub-protocol=websocket --certport=10002 --kubeedge-version=v1.20.0 --remote-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock # Used alone
copyFrom: /root/test-keadm-batchjoin
username: root
type: password
password: *****
maxRunNum: 5

# Usage
keadm batch -c config.yaml

Refer to the link for more details.(#5988, #5968)

Multi-language Mapper-Framework Support

To further reduce the complexity of developing custom Mapper, in this version, KubeEdge provides the Java version of Mapper-Framework. Users can access the KubeEdge feature-multilingual-mapper branch to use Mapper-Framework to generate a Java version of custom Mapper project.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5773, #5900)

Support Pods logs/exec/describe and Devices get/edit/describe Operation at Edge Using keadm ctl

In v1.17, a new command keadm ctl has been introduced to support pods query and restart at Edge. In this release, keadm ctl supports more functionality including pod logs/exec/describe and device get/edit/describe to help users operate resources at edge, especially in offline scenarios.

[root@edgenode1 ~]# keadm ctl -h
Commands operating on the data plane at edge

keadm ctl [command]

Available Commands:
describe Show details of a specific resource
edit Edit a specific resource
exec Execute command in edge pod
get Get resources in edge node
logs Get pod logs in edge node

Refer to the link for more details.(#5752, #5901)

Decouple EdgeApplications from NodeGroups, Support Node Label Selector

EdgeApplication can be overrides deployment spec(i.e. replicas, image, commands and environments) via the node group, and pod traffics are closed-loop in a node group(Deployments managed by EdgeApplication share a Service). But in the real scenario, the scope of nodes that need batch operations is different from that of nodes that need to collaborate with each other.

We add a new targetNodeLabels field for node label selectors in the EdgeApplication CRD, this field will allow the application to deploy based on node labels and apply overrides specific to those nodes.

kind: EdgeApplication
name: edge-app
namespace: default
replicas: 3
image: my-app-image:latest
# New field: targetNodeLabels
- labelSelector:
- matchExpressions:
- key: "region"
operator: In
- "HangZhou"
name: new-image:latest
cpu: "500m"
memory: "128Mi"

Refer to the link for more details.(#5755, #5845)

CloudHub-EdgeHub Supports IPv6

We provide a configuration guide in the documentation on the official website, which is how KubeEdge enables the cloud-edge hub to support IPv6 in a K8s cluster.

Refer to the document

Upgrade Kubernetes Dependency to v1.30.7

Upgrade the vendered kubernetes version to v1.30.7, users are now able to use the feature of new version on the cloud and on the edge side.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5997)

Important Steps before Upgrading

  • From v1.20, the default value for the EdgeCore configuration option edged.rootDirectory will change from /var/lib/edged to /var/lib/kubelet. If you wish to continue using the original path, you can set --set edged.rootDirectory=/var/lib/edged when installing EdgeCore with keadm.

· 4 min read

On Oct 28, 2024, KubeEdge released v1.19. The new release introduces several new features for edge nodes and devices, along with a completely revamped Dashboard.

1.19 What's New

Release Highlights

Support Edge Nodes Report Event

Kubernetes Event serve as a report of an event somewhere in the cluster, reflecting status changes of cluster resources such as Nodes and Pods. In v1.19, EdgeCore supports reporting events to cloud, allowing users to directly access the status of edge nodes or Pods in the cloud via kubectl get events or kubectl describe {resource_type} {resource_name}.

This feature is disabled by default in v1.19. To enable it, execute --set modules.edged.reportEvent=true when install EdgeCore with keadm or modify the EdgeCore configuration file and then restart EdgeCore.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5722, #5811)

Support OTA(Over-The-Air) Upgrades for Edge Nodes

On the basis of NodeUpgradeJob upgrade, we add the edge node confirmation card point and the validation of the image digest. The card point confirmation allows the node upgrade to be delivered to the edge side, and the upgrade can be performed only after the user is confirmed. Image digest validation can ensure that the kubeedge/installation-pacakge image to be upgraded is secure and reliable at the edge side.

In v1.19, we can use spec.imageDigestGatter in NodeUpgradeJob to define how to get the image digest. The value to directly define the digest, The registryAPI to get the mirror digest via registry v2 API, both are mutually exclusive. If none is configured, the image digest is not verified during the upgrade.

We can also use spec.requireConfirmation to configure requireConfirmation for NodeUpgradeJob to determine whether we want to confirm at the edge side.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5589, #5761, #5863)

Mapper Supports Device Data Writing

In v1.19, we add the ability to write device data in Mapper-Framework. User can use device methods through the API provided by Mapper and complete data writing to device properties.

  • Device method API

A new definition of device methods is added in new release. Users can define device methods in the device-instance file that can be called by the outside world in device. Through device methods, users can control and write data to device properties.

  • Device data writing

In v1.19, the Mapper API capability is improved and a new device method interface is added. The user can use the relevant interface to obtain all the device methods contained in a device, as well as the calling command of the device method. Through the returned calling command, user can create a device write request to write data to device.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5662, #5902)

Add OpenTelemetry to Mapper-framework

In v1.19, we add the OpenTelemetry observability framework to mapper data plane, which can encapsulate device data and push data to multiple types of applications or databases. This feature can enhance the mapper data plane's ability to push device data.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5628)

A New Release of KubeEdge Dashboard

Based on previous Dashboard release, we have refactored the KubeEdge Dashboard using the more popular frameworks Next.js and MUI. In the new release, we rewrote and optimized around 60 pages and components, reducing about 70% of redundant code. We also upgraded the KubeEdge and native Kubernetes APIs to the latest version to maintain compatibility and added TypeScript definitions for the APIs.

Refer to the link for more details.(#29)

Important Steps before Upgrading

  • In the next release (v1.20), the default value for the EdgeCore configuration option edged.rootDirectory will change from /var/lib/edged to /var/lib/kubelet. If you wish to continue using the original path, you can set --set edged.rootDirectory=/var/lib/edged when installing EdgeCore with keadm.

  • In v1.19, please use --kubeedge-version to specify the version when installing KubeEdge with keadm, --profile version is no longer supported.

· 2 min read

On July 26, 2024, KubeEdge released v1.18. The new release features significant improvements in stability and security, while also enhancing usability.

1.18 What's New

Release Highlights

Router Manager Support High Availability(HA)

When CloudCore adopts high availability deployment, RouterManager needs to determine whether to route messages to the correct CloudCore. This feature is already supported in v1.18.0, and RouterManager supports high availability.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5619, #5635)

Authorization Enhancement for CloudCore Websocket API

CloudCore need restrict the access to cluster resources for edge nodes. In this release,CloudCore supports node authorization mode. CloudHub identify the sender of messages and check whether the sender has sufficient permissions, so that CloudCore can restrict an edge node from operating the resources owned by other edge nodes.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5512, #5585)

Support Device Status Reporting

Device status reporting is a capability required for device management. It was previously planned but not implemented. In version 1.18, we support this feature. Device status reporting can be easily implemented based on the community mapper template.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5649, #5650)

Keadm Tool Enhancement

Before this release, keadm(KubeEdge Installation Tool) is only supported to configure a subset of parameters before EdgeCore was installed. Now we can use the '--set' flag to configure the parameters of the full configuration edgecore.yaml file, so that users can customize the parameters at installation time, without having to modify the configuration and restart the service after installation.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5564, #5574)

Encapsulate Token, CA and Certificate operations

We refactor the token and certificate-related codes, summarize the same businesses, and abstract the ability of certificates to improve scalability, maintainability, and readability.

Refer to the link for more details.(#5502, #5544)

Upgrade Kubernetes Dependency to v1.29.6

Upgrade the vendered kubernetes version to v1.29.6, users are now able to use the feature of new version on the cloud and on the edge side.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5656)

Important Steps before Upgrading

  • The CloudCore Authorization feature is disabled by default in release 1.18. If you need to use this feature, please set cloudhub.authorization.enable=true.

· 10 min read

This blog introduces how to enable Cilium Container Network Interface with KubeEdge.

Why Cilium for KubeEdge

Cilium is the one of the most advanced and efficient container network interface plugin for Kubernetes, that provides network connectivity and security for containerized applications in Kubernetes clusters. It leverages eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) technology to implement networking and security policies at the Linux kernel level, allowing for high-performance data plane operations and fine-grained security controls.

And KubeEdge extends the cluster orchestration capability down to edge environments to provide unified cluster management and sophisticated edge specific features.

Enabling Cilium with KubeEdge allows us to take advantage of both benefits even for edge computing environments. We can deploy the application containers where EdgeCore running and bind Cilium to connect with workloads in the cloud infrastructure. This is because Cilium can also enable WireGuard VPN with transparent encryption of traffic between Cilium-managed endpoints.

Further more, we can also rely on Cilium Tetragon Security Observability and Runtime Enforcement to confine security risk and vulnerability in edge environment.

· 3 min read

KubeEdge v1.17 is now available! This latest release introduces several new features and enhancements, including support for edge pods using InClusterConfig to access the Kubernetes API server, video streaming data reporting in Mappers, auto-restarting for EdgeCore modules, and more.

1.17 What's New

Release Highlights

Support Edge Pods Using InClusterConfig to Access Kube-APIServer

The InClusterConfig mechanism enables cloud pods to directly access the Kubernetes API server. With this release, KubeEdge now supports edge pods using the InClusterConfig mechanism to access the Kube-APIServer directly, even when the edge and cloud are in different network environments.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5524, #5541)

Mapper Supports Video Streaming Data Reporting

Previously, Mappers could only process structured device data. In v1.17, video stream data processing features have been added to the Mapper-Framework.

  • Edge Camera Device Management

    v1.17 provides a built-in Mapper based on the Onvif protocol, which can manage Onvif network camera devices into the KubeEdge cluster and obtain the camera's authentication file and RTSP video stream.

  • Video Stream Data Processing

    Video stream data processing capabilities have been introduced to the Mapper-Framework data plane. The video stream reported by edge camera devices can be saved as frame files or video files.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5448, #5514, mappers-go/#127)

Support Auto-Restarting for Edge Modules

EdgeCore modules could previously fail to start due to non-configurable and recoverable matters like process start order issues. In v1.17, the BeeHive framework has been improved to support automatically restarting modules. Users can now configure EdgeCore modules to automatically restart instead of restarting the entire component.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5509, #5513)

Introduce keadm ctl Command to Support Pods Query and Restart at Edge

The new keadm ctl command has been introduced in v1.17, allowing users to query and restart pods on edge nodes when they are offline:

  • Query: keadm ctl get pod [flags]
  • Restart: keadm ctl restart pod [flags]

Refer to the link for more details. (#5504)

Keadm Enhancements

Several enhancements were made to the keadm installation tool:

  • Refactored the keadm init command
  • Changed the command keadm generate to keadm manifest
  • Added image-repository flag to keadm join to support customization
  • Split the keadm reset command into keadm reset cloud and keadm reset edge.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5317)

Add MySQL to Mapper Framework

The Mapper Framework data plane now includes MySQL database support in its pushMethod. When using MySQL, basic configuration parameters for the MySQL client need to be added in the DeviceInstance.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5376)

Upgrade Kubernetes Dependency to v1.28.6

The vendored Kubernetes version has been upgraded to v1.28.6, users are now able to use the latest features on both the cloud and edge side.

Refer to the link for more details. (#5412)

Important Steps before Upgrading

  • To use the InClusterConfig feature for edge pods, you need to enable the metaServer and dynamicController switches, and set featureGates.requireAuthorization=true in the CloudCore and EdgeCore configuration files.

  • To use the Auto-Restarting for Edge Modules feature, you must enable the moduleRestart feature gate in EdgeCore.

Download the v1.17.0 release from the release page and upgrade today to take advantage of these new capabilities!