
25 篇博文 含有标签「cloud native」


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Kevin Wang
Fei Xu

KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT and allows developers to author custom logic and enable resource constrained device communication at the Edge.

KubeEdge v1.4: A major upgrade for maintainability and edge devices management

On August 15th, the KubeEdge community is proud to announce the availability of KubeEdge 1.4. This release includes a major upgrade for maintainability and edge devices management, which includes:

  • Enhance Devices Management

  • Metrics-Server Support for metrics collection across cloud and edge

  • EdgeNode Certificate Rotation

  • Kubernetes Dependencies Upgrade

  • 34+ bug fixes and enhancements.

Please refer to https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.4.md for a full list of features in this release


Release details - Release v1.4


Release Highlights

Enhance Devices Management

Upgrade device API from v1alpha1 to v1alpha2, enhancement include:

  • A new field is added to explicitly provide customized protocol support
  • Introduced data section to allow users defining data to get and process on the edge
  • Moved propertyVistors from device model to Device instance API

Users are now able to customize the protocol of the edge device and also able to get and process the date in edge side.

Metrics-Server Support for metrics collection across cloud and edge

With KubeEdge v1.4 users are now able to deploy metrics-server to collect resource metrics from edge nodes. Follow the instructions here to deploy the metrics-server.

Ref: https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/blob/master/docs/setup/keadm.md#support-metrics-server-in-cloud

EdgeNode Certificate Rotation

EdgeNodes are now able to automatically apply for new certificate when the certificate is about to expire and enforce TLS between CloudCore and EdgeCore.

Kubernetes Dependencies Upgrade

Upgrade the venderod kubernetes version to v1.18.6, users now can use the feature of new version on the cloud and on the edge side.

34+ bug fixes and enhancements

In addition to the above new features, KubeEdge v1.4 also includes the following enhancements:

  • Add tree to store copy of dependency's license

  • Add garbage collection of reliablesyncs when node unregisters

  • Fix too long time to get node ready when reconnect

  • Auto detect sandbox image

  • Run edgecore as system service

Future Outlook

With the release of v1.4, KubeEdge provides more complete edge application monitoring and management capabilities, a more stable and reliable cloud-side collaborative transmission mechanism, a more friendly user experience, and a more friendly community contributor experience. Thanks to Huawei, China Unicom, Zhejiang University SEL Lab, ARM and other organizations for their contributions, as well as all community contributors for their support!

The community plans to further improve the user experience and the stability of KubeEdge in subsequent versions and create the best “open source” intelligent edge computing platform for everyone to freely use.

For more details regarding KubeEdge, please follow and join us here:


· 阅读需 5 分钟
Yin Ding
Kevin Wang

KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT and allows developers to author custom logic and enable resource constrained device communication at the Edge.

KubeEdge v1.3: A major upgrade for maintainability

On May 15th, the KubeEdge community is proud to announce the availability of KubeEdge 1.3. This release includes a major upgrade for maintainability, which includes:

  • Collecting logs from pods at edge in cloud

  • Edge node and container monitoring

  • High availability of KubeEdge cloud components

  • Automated TLS bootstrapping for edge nodes

  • CRI-O and Kata Containers runtime support

  • 25+ bug fixes and enhancements.

Please refer to https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.3.md for a full list of features in this release


Release details - Release v1.3


Release Highlights

Collecting logs from pods at edge in cloud

In most edge computing scenarios, the edge node is in a private network, and the pod logs running on the edge node cannot be directly pulled from the cloud, resulting issues for maintenance and debugging.

KubeEdge v1.3 includes a built-in streaming data channel which enables cloud to easily obtain edge application container logs via the kubectl logs command, without having to build another VPN server to solve private network access problems.

In addition, the KubeEdge community plans to provide a kubectl exec command support for edge containers in subsequent versions, so that users can easily connect to the edge application container from the cloud for debugging purposes.

See more feature details: https://docs.kubeedge.io/en/latest/setup/kubeedge_install_source.html

Edge node and container monitoring

KubeEdge v1.3 provides a monitoring interface for edge nodes. Users can obtain edge node and its container information, and integrate it with third-party monitoring systems. This feature is enabled by default. Users have the option to disable this built-in monitoring module through the EnableMetrics item during configuration.

In the next version, KubeEdge will support the aggregation of edge node and application container monitoring information in the cloud.

See more feature details: https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/pull/1573

High availability of KubeEdge cloud components

In previous releases, the availability of KubeEdge cloud components rely on the automatic recovery mechanism of Kubernetes Deployment. In some extreme cases, this recovery can take a long time to recover from failures.

KubeEdge v1.3 has a built-in high-availability for the KubeEdge cloud component, CloudCore. When the CloudCore instance fails, a standby CloudCore instance is automatically switched on to minimize the impact of cloud component failures.

In subsequent versions, the KubeEdge community will further optimize the high concurrency of cloud components to improve throughput in large-scale edge nodes scenarios.

Automated TLS bootstrapping for edge nodes

KubeEdge v1.3 introduced automated TLS bootstrapping for edge nodes, which simplifies the operation for users to configure cloud-edge secure channels and improves ease-of-use.

By default, KubeEdge generates a self-signed certificate for users, which is used for encrypted communication between cloud components and edge nodes. For scenarios that require an unified management of certificates, users can also use certificates issued by designated trust authorities.

For future releases, the KubeEdge community will support automatic renewal of the node's certificate after expiration.

See more feature details: https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/blob/master/docs/setup/kubeedge_configure.md

More container runtime support

KubeEdge v1.3 adds support of CRI-O and Kata Containers as container runtime.

  • CRI-O, a CNCF incubation project, is a lightweight container, taking up to 30MB memory, and is in compliance with OCI standards.

  • Kata Containers is an open source container runtime based on lightweight virtual machines. It is designed to combine the security advantages of virtual machines (VMs) with the speed and the manageability of containers.

With v1.3, KubeEdge has official support for all mainstream container runtimes including Docker, containerd, CRI-O and Kata Containers.

See more feature details: https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/blob/master/docs/setup/kubeedge_cri_configure.md

25+ bug fixes and enhancements

In addition to the above new features, KubeEdge v1.3 also includes the following enhancements:

  • Added the support for keadm to install KubeEdge on CentOS systems

  • EdgeMesh no longer depends on initContainer, and will take over traffic on the host during startup

  • Fixed the issue that some pods in “the terminating state” cannot be deleted

Future Outlook

With the release of v1.3, KubeEdge provides more complete edge application monitoring and management capabilities, a more stable and reliable cloud-side collaborative transmission mechanism, a more friendly user experience, and a more friendly community contributor experience. Thanks to Huawei, China Unicom, Zhejiang University SEL Lab, ARM and other organizations for their contributions, as well as all community contributors for their support!

The community plans to further improve the user experience and the stability of KubeEdge in subsequent versions and create the best “open source” intelligent edge computing platform for everyone to freely use. Please refer to the roadmap document for future release plans:


For more details regarding KubeEdge, please follow and join us here:


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We are very pleased to share that we received a very good response from community for KubeEdge contribution competition that started on 23rd April 2019. Participants were given challenge to either fix issues, raise issues, add code towards feature development, requirement identification, promote KubeEdge by writing blogs or create a sample application using KubeEdge. During this period 156 commits and 66 issues were added in the repository. We thank all the community members for making this event a grand success. We believe that community will continue contributions to KubeEdge with same enthusiasm in the future as well. Each and every contribution is of great worth and to honor top contributors KubeEdge team have selected below members as winners of this competition.



  • @chendave

  • @kadisi

  • @shouhong

Hearty Congratulations to all the winners. We will reach out to the winners soon via email.

· 阅读需 3 分钟

KubeEdge is a CNCF Sandbox project that extends K8s from Cloud to Edge. We would like to invite you to join us in furthering this project and making it useable for everyone. To make this contribution effort more fun, we're proposing a contribution competition. See below for details. May the best contributor win!


That's right, contribute and win! Contribution is not limited to code contribution only; it can also include documentation, blogging, testing/issue identification, requirement identification and others. See details below

How to participate ?

  1. Raise pull request (PR) either for feature development / test code development (may be unit test code, edge module test code or end to end test code) in repos kubeedge / beehive / viaduct / website.
  2. Identify defects, raise issues in respective repos kubeedge / beehive / viaduct / website.
  3. Resolving existing issues in repos kubeedge / beehive / viaduct / website.
  4. Share requirements by creating issues in repo kubeedge.
  5. Writing blogs about KubeEdge either in the KubeEdge website (on PR approved & merged, this gets published in kubeedge.io website blog) or in other technical blogging site. Please refer here to know how to write a KubeEdge blog. Submit your blog details here.
  6. Create your own sample applications and demo examples to illustrate possible use case(s) of using KubeEdge in repo examples.

Who can participate ?

Anyone is welcome!

How the winners are selected ?

Contribution can be made in the following various ways. Please see below for contribution requirements and how we select winners.

  • Code contribution: Any code contribution should follow the contribution flow to get accepted. We will review the code submitted along with PR(s) for feature / test case development or issue fix.

  • Issue identification: we will check the severity of issue and the quality of description that reproduces the identified issue with sufficient details.

  • Requirement identification: we will check the quality of the requirement description, the uniqueness and the value of the identified requirement in comparison to the other Edge Computing platforms in the industry.

  • KubeEdge project promotion: For any blog/wechat messages/twitter tweets/white papers/articles written about KubeEdge, we will review the content & popularity of the content.

  • Example contribution: For any example created, we will review the code and the documentation of the steps & user guide.

Any contribution is greatly appreciated and 3 winners will be selected!



Competition starts: 23rd April 2019 00:00 (UTC)
Competition ends: 22nd May 2019 23:59 (UTC)

How the winners are notified ?


We will make the winner announcement blog on 23rd May 2019 00:00 (UTC) via e-mail, slack, wechat, twitter.

Winners' Github ID will be published in this section. Winners will receive an e-mail that is associated with his/her Github ID. Any question, please contact us via:


KubeEdge community Code of Conduct

KubeEdge follows the CNCF Code of conduct.

· 阅读需 7 分钟
Sanil Kumar

The KubeEdge team presented their case for sandboxing at the CNCF TOC meeting on 12th March 2019.

Today we announce the acceptance of KubeEdge under the CNCF sandbox.


Original Article: Source


CNCF Sandbox page: CNCF Sandbox Projects

KubeEdge becomes the first Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Platform with both Edge and Cloud components open sourced!

Open source edge computing is going through its most dynamic phase of development in the industry. So many open source platforms, so many consolidations and so many initiatives for standardization! This shows the strong drive to build better platforms to bring cloud computing to the edges to meet ever increasing demand. KubeEdge, which was announced last year, now brings great news for cloud native computing! It provides a complete edge computing solution based on Kubernetes with separate cloud and edge core modules. Currently, both the cloud and edge modules are open sourced.

Unlike certain light weight kubernetes platforms available around, KubeEdge is made to build edge computing solutions extending the cloud. The control plane resides in cloud, though scalable and extendable. At the same time, the edge can work in offline mode. Also it is lightweight and containerized, and can support heterogeneous hardware at the edge. With the optimization in edge resource utlization, KubeEdge positions to save significant setup and operation cost for edge solutions. This makes it the most compelling edge computing platform in the world currently, based on Kubernetes!

Kube(rnetes)Edge! - Opening up a new Kubernetes-based ecosystem for Edge Computing

The key goal for KubeEdge is extending Kubernetes ecosystem from cloud to edge. From the time it was announced to the public at KubeCon in Shanghai in November 2018, the architecture direction for KubeEdge was aligned to Kubernetes, as its name!

It started with its v0.1 providing the basic edge computing features. Now, with its latest release v0.2, it brings the cloud components to connect and complete the loop. With consistent and scalable Kubernetes-based interfaces, KubeEdge enables the orchestration and management of edge clusters similar to how Kubernetes manages in the cloud. This opens up seamless possibilities of bringing cloud computing capabilities to the edge, quickly and efficiently.

Based on its roadmap and architecture, KubeEdge tries to support all edge nodes, applications, devices and even the cluster management consistent with the Kuberenetes interface. This will help the edge cloud act exactly like a cloud cluster. This can save a lot of time and cost on the edge cloud development deployment based on KubeEdge.

KubeEdge provides a containerized edge computing platform, which is inherently scalable. As it’s modular and optimized, it is lightweight (66MB foot print and ~30MB running memory) and could be deployed on low resource devices. Similarly, the edge node can be of different hardware architecture and with different hardware configurations. For the device connectivity, it can support multiple protocols and it uses a standard MQTT-based communication. This helps in scaling the edge clusters with new nodes and devices efficiently.

You heard it right!

KubeEdge Cloud Core modules are open sourced!

By open sourcing both the edge and cloud modules, KubeEdge brings a complete cloud vendor agnostic lightweight heterogeneous edge computing platform. It is now ready to support building a complete Kubernetes ecosystem for edge computing, exploiting most of the existing cloud native projects or software modules. This can enable a mini-cloud at the edge to support demanding use cases like data analytics, video analytics, machine learning and more.

KubeEdge Architecture: Building Kuberenetes Native Edge computing! The core architecture tenet for KubeEdge is to build interfaces that are consistent with Kubernetes, be it on the cloud side or edge side.

Edged: Manages containerized Applications at the Edge.

EdgeHub: Communication interface module at the Edge. It is a web socket client responsible for interacting with Cloud Service for edge computing.

CloudHub: Communication interface module at the Cloud. A web socket server responsible for watching changes on the cloud side, caching and sending messages to EdgeHub.

EdgeController: Manages the Edge nodes. It is an extended Kubernetes controller which manages edge nodes and pods metadata so that the data can be targeted to a specific edge node.

EventBus: Handles the internal edge communications using MQTT. It is an MQTT client to interact with MQTT servers (mosquitto), offering publish and subscribe capabilities to other components.

DeviceTwin: It is software mirror for devices that handles the device metadata. This module helps in handling device status and syncing the same to cloud. It also provides query interfaces for applications, as it interfaces to a lightweight database (SQLite).

MetaManager: It manages the metadata at the edge node. This is the message processor between edged and edgehub. It is also responsible for storing/retrieving metadata to/from a lightweight database (SQLite).

Even if you want to add more control plane modules based on the architecture refinement and improvement (for example enhanced security), it is simple as it uses consistent registration and modular communication within these modules.

  • KubeEdge provides scalable lightweight Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Platform which can work in offline mode.
  • It helps simplify edge application development and deployment.
  • Cloud vendor agnostic and can run the cloud core modules on any compute node.

Release 0.1 to 0.2 – game changer!

KubeEdge v0.1 was released at the end of December 2018 with very basic edge features to manage edge applications along with Kubernetes API primitives for node, pod, config etc. In ~2 months, KubeEdge v0.2 was release on March 5th, 2019. This release provides the cloud core modules and enables the end to end open source edge computing solution. The cloud core modules can be deployed to any compute node from any cloud vendors or on-prem.

Now, the complete edge solution can be installed and tested very easily, also with a laptop.

Run Anywhere - Simple and Light As described, the KubeEdge Edge and Cloud core components can be deployed easily and can run the user applications. The edge core has a foot print of 66MB and just needs 30MB memory to run. Similarly the cloud core can run on any cloud nodes. (User can experience by running it on a laptop as well)

The installation is simple and can be done in few steps:

  • Setup the pre-requisites Docker, Kubernetes, MQTT and openssl
  • Clone and Build KubeEdge Cloud and Edge
  • Run Cloud
  • Run Edge
  • The detailed steps for each are available at KubeEdge Setup

Future: Taking off with competent features and community collaboration

KubeEdge has been developed by members from the community who are active contributors to Kubernetes/CNCF and doing research in edge computing. The KubeEdge team is also actively collaborating with Kubernetes IOT/EDGE WORKING GROUP. Within a few months of the KubeEdge announcement it has attracted members from different organizations including JingDong, Zhejiang University, SEL Lab, Eclipse, China Mobile, ARM, Intel to collaborate in building the platform and ecosystem.

KubeEdge has a clear roadmap for its upcoming major releases in 2019. v1.0 targets to provide a complete edge cluster and device management solution with standard edge to edge communication, while v2.0 targets to have advanced features like service mesh, function service , data analytics etc at edge. Also, for all the features, KubeEdge architecture would attempt to utilize the existing CNCF projects/software.

The KubeEdge community needs varied organizations, their requirements, use cases and support to build it. Please join to make a kubernetes native edge computing platform which can extend the cloud native computing paradigm to edge cloud.

How to Get Involved?

We welcome more collaboration to build the Kubernetes native edge computing ecosystem. Please join us!