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One post tagged with "release v1.4"

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· 3 min read
Kevin Wang
Fei Xu

KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT and allows developers to author custom logic and enable resource constrained device communication at the Edge.

KubeEdge v1.4: A major upgrade for maintainability and edge devices management

On August 15th, the KubeEdge community is proud to announce the availability of KubeEdge 1.4. This release includes a major upgrade for maintainability and edge devices management, which includes:

  • Enhance Devices Management

  • Metrics-Server Support for metrics collection across cloud and edge

  • EdgeNode Certificate Rotation

  • Kubernetes Dependencies Upgrade

  • 34+ bug fixes and enhancements.